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Whether you’re training in karate, Brazilian Jujitsu, judo, or other contact-heavy martial arts, with the coronavirus (or COVID-19) raging worldwide, it's important and reassuring to know your martial arts instructors and dojos are finding ways to keep you safe from infection. Here are some guidelines we've gleaned from Sport Singapore advisories and other resources with best practices online, that you can adopt as a practitioner or martial arts instructor. What are the rules about safe distancing for martial arts classes during this COVID-19 pandemic? Sport Singapore’s Phase 2 updates say:
Those caught flouting the rules don't only face hefty penalties (fines). If they were using public or shared facilities, their actions can cause those facilities to be shut down indefinitely, depriving others of the chance to use them. What risks are there in martial arts classes?
![]() How can dojos enforce safe distancing between participants?
How to keep groups apart from each other?
Some Hygiene and Well-being Pointers
Last but not least...
Read up on latest, reliable sources of information about COVID-19. Some useful online resources include this e-learning resource on COVID-19 for martial arts instructors. The coronavirus has turned the way we live and work upside down, but that's no reason to give up on martial arts and our training if we inculcate safe practices. Stay safe! OSU! NOTE: Poor audio. Turn on the Subtitles, put on a Headset to follow the instructions more easily. *Excerpt from our weekly Elementary Class from Facebook Live aired on May 9th, 2020.
Kicking in combinations are a staple in many martial arts/ combat sports. In Ashihara Karate, there are some key check-points to ensure when performing kicks in combinations. *Excerpt from our weekly Elementary Class from Facebook Live aired on Apr 25th, 2020.
Punching in combinations are a staple in many martial arts/ combat sports. In Ashihara Karate, combinations are done with some peculiarities according to the way the technique fits in the overall tactic and application. *Excerpt from our weekly Elementary Class from YouTube Live aired on Apr 18th, 2020.
You received the attack. You threw a counterattack. Yet sometimes, the counterattack fails. The technique was weak, the opponent was too strong, you missed... Now, he's coming back for you. *Excerpt from our weekly Elementary Class from YouTube Live aired on Apr 11th, 2020.
Simply flailing the leg out to the opponent does not make the kick. Stability, precision, speed, and the right mindset are some of the key considerations that makes for a devastating technique. *Excerpt from our weekly Elementary Class from YouTube Live aired on Apr 4th, 2020.
Effective self-defence is about neutralizing the initial attack for good. When an opponent is adamant about hitting you, *Excerpt from our weekly Elementary Class from YouTube Live aired on Apr 4th, 2020.
When done right, stretching in Karate doesn't only improve your flexibility. Livestreaming on Apr 25th, 2020 (Sat), 4.30pm - 6pm (SG Time) "We gon' hit 'em wit da left, hit 'em wit da right" ~ "It's a Fight", Three 6 Mafia Session 4 is all about attacking in Combinations! We will put all the basics into play and learn how to overwhelm the opponent with unrelenting barrage of kick and punches. Get your stamina ready for this high-energy session!
Livestreaming on Apr 18th, 2020 (Sat), 4.30pm - 6pm (SG Time)
Livestreaming on: Apr 11th, 2020 (Sat), 4.30pm - 6pm